Desktop app

The Dealer is an internal targeting engine, enabling product and marketing managers to improve engagement by personalizing the end-user’s journey.
Wix Funnel | UX, UI
The problem

Wix constantly develops new products and features to improve engagement with users and overall usability. With so many options to choose from users may lose their way in the clutter - as different features are designed for different use cases.

How then can the right features be targeted and offered to the right users?

The Dealer is an internal Wix platform used by the company’s product and marketing managers to create a personalized engagement funnel for each end-user. The platform offers its users advanced segmentation and tracking features, ensuring that Wix end-users are exposed to the features which answer best to their particular needs.
And this is how Wix end-users experience the Dealer’s “offerings” - targeted features to answer their needs

For example:
Wix Business Manager
A view on Wix’s signature back office interface

Dealer based placements
Personalized content, segmented by the Dealer
Old Dealer back office
The old Dealer was created to answer an immediate need that changed overtime while expanding the platform’s userbase. The development process was rather “on-the-go” and didn’t take into account a full user experience that could appeal to a wider set of users and needs.

To improve the platform’s overall functionality and usability, making it more accessible to users.

Research Methodology
I decided to research the market in order to understand how others are trying to solve the problem I have identified. Among the products I reviewed were in-house festival apps and apps for large conventions, and even amusement parks that face similar challenges

Talked to over 20 direct users
Ops, PMs and PMMs
Talked to ~20 Wix users
researched which messages they see
Studied current communication
what placements we have, which offers, how they are targeted
Looked into competition & inspiration
Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Dynamic Yield, Intercom...
User research

The Dealer has three primary user types:

Product Managers
Product Marketing Managers
Although PMMs constitute the largest out of the Dealer’s userbases, and although the platform was initially created to meet their needs, they are hardly engaging with it. This rather defeats the purpose of the platform in the first place.
For these reasons, we decided to focus most of our research efforts on this particular group.
PMMs can be further divided into three subgroups, covering different areas of responsibilities
Audience Managers
Manage & prioritize all messages within a specific placement
Product Marketers
Promote new features and products
Placement Managers
Manage all messages that target a specific audience
Conclusions from the interviews
Basic information is inaccessible.
Lack of an integrated product overview - the “Big Picture” is missing
Users are too dependant on inputs from other professionals - analysts, operations, designers, etc.
Placement options, features and appropriate use-cases are not well understood.
The product is overall perceived by users as unapproachable - from an incoherent user flow to overly technical copy.
The solution
A new Dealer system that will allow the users to view and take actions from three different “perspectives” based on their need and intent. Offerings are associated with each of one of these three attributes that define them.

prioritization across products and audiences
communication optimization across the user journey
products’ promotion and team goals

The product

UX Guidelines
Our conclusions from the user research served as the conceptual scaffold for the UX guidelines that directed the new design
Easy and clear navigation
Quick access to frequently used items: actions, filters, information, etc.
Guidance & alerts
User friendly language & clear copy
Consistency in: information, views, actions
Mapping of Main Components
Offerings can be created and accessed following three different “perspectives” - three conceptual entities that characterize the offering itself: Placements, Campaigns, and Audiences. These “perspectives” allow the user to view and manage the communication with Wix end-users from both a broader, more operational, viewpoint and from the practical viewpoint of managing an actual offering.

Navigation Alternatives
The first challenges we addressed were the system’s main navigation setup and the layout of important information.

Selected Layout
Dealer Views
Main view of all placements sorted by their location.

Hover on the information revels the placements' availability.

Click on the placements' card takes the user to the placement page.

Click on "View Guide" opens a side panel with all the information the users need in order to create an offering in this placement.

The list presents all offerings gathered by their campaign or as stand alons (in case they are not a part of a campaign).

Click on a campaign's card expands the card and reveals all offerings associated with the campaign in this placement.

Second click on the card's top will take the user to the campaigns page.

Each offering can be managed from this view.

More information about the offering will apear on hover on the "info" icon.

Click on any part of the offering's card opens a modal with an overall drill down.

In the model the user can view all the information about the offering, take actions or open a data report of the offering's performance.

Click on the "Campaigns" tab on the navigation bar takes the user to the campaign view.

The main view of all campaigns is grouped by the products they promote, and sorted alphabetically.

Click on a campaign's card takes to the campaign's page.

On this page, the user can view all offerings in the campaign grouped by the placements they appear in.

In some placements, there can be more than one offering per campaign.


The main view of all audiences is grouped labels, and sorted alphabetically.

Hover on an audience's card reveals a list of the type of users or sites this audience includes.

Click on the card takes the user to the audience's page, where the offerings can be presented grouped by placements

Or, grouped by campaign.

Offering creation
Create new offering

A six steps wizard.

Starting with selecting the placement where the offering will be presented.

Then giving the offering a title, some description and KPI's.

Also, the user can limit the time in which the offering will run.

In the third step the user can connect the offering to an existing campaign.

The next step requires the user to define the target audience.

Then, the user needs to upload the creative for the offering.
In this step the user can decide weather he wants to add a dynamic content.

In that case, there's an aditional step.

Finally, the user can review all the details of the offering and make changes if necessary.

After saving the created offering the user returns to the view he was in before the wizard, with an option to easily view the offeing in a click.

Next to the new offering the user can see what are the recommended next steps he should take.